Upload Artwork

Please read the artwork requirements before proceeding, then complete the fields below to send us your artwork.

Artwork Requirements

Digital Files:

  • We prefer all artwork to be supplied in digital format however if you do not have any artwork our design department can design your artwork from a digital image, hard copy, colour printout, or a hand drawn sketch layout. All artwork costs are indicated on the quotes however any additional artwork costs are always bought to your attention before proceeding.


  • If you decide to supply your own film, we recommend you contact us first to obtain our film specifications as screen printing films are very different from other printing processes. When supplying your own film Price Screen & Digital cannot guarantee the quality of the print reproduction as it depends on the quality of the film supplied.

Software Applications Supported:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Acrobat

General Requirements:

  • When setting up your files, it is always best to create them at full size (100%) unless the software/computer you’re using does not allow you to do so. In this case, set up your artwork at half size and please note that the artwork is half size either on the actual file or when you place the order. If you set your artwork up at half size, ensure that any included images are at least 300dpi at full size (100%) of your actual printed document size otherwise they will print pixelated or blurry.
  • It is very important that all fonts must be outlined or converted to paths/outlines, otherwise all fonts used must be supplied along with the file.
  • Die Cut lines, Half Cut lines and white back ground printing must each be indicated on separate layers.
  • Please ensure all linked images are supplied or embedded into your document. If supplying high resolution images, please supply your images in TIF format (with no LWZ compression).
  • Artwork should be created in CMYK colour. Preparing artwork in RGB mode is not recommended, as colour matching is problematic.
  • Where Pantone (PMS) colours are used, please make sure these are set correctly in your file and this information is provided when placing your order.
  • Please make sure that all artwork images flowing to the edge of your design has plenty of Bleed. We required a minimum of 2.5mm on most artwork however sometimes we need more depending on the job. Please always follow the template information downloadable from our website or available upon request.
  • Ideally Illustrator is used for vector graphics and Photoshop for pictures. Text should not be created in Photoshop unless special filters or effects have been added to the text. Effects in Illustrator and InDesign should be avoided for printed jobs as these effects are more geared for the internet and not for print use. But if it is necessary to use these files, they must be supplied as a 300dpi TIF format with no LWZ compression.
  • Please supply a high resolution PDF file and/or a laser or similar print proof of the pages of your proposed print job.

Software and File Requirements:

  • Adobe Illustrator – Convert fonts to outlines and if placing high resolution EPS files in the illustration, please supply those images separately as well or ensure they are embedded. Make sure your Document Raster Effect Settings are set to CMYK and 300ppi, not to 72ppi, otherwise any effects applied to your illustration (e.g.: drop shadows) will print out bitmapped or blurry in appearance.
  • InDesign – To prepare InDesign files please go, File>Package, as this will ensure all links and images etc are included.

Sending Files:

  • When sending files via email, all of the above standards still apply. Ideally a PDF proof is required and all Illustrator files should be saved as outlined EPS files, JPEG files are generally not adequate and are low in resolution resulting in a poor print result. Please ensure that you have supplied all links and fonts and enclose them in a folder. Ideally this folder would then be compressed using ZipIt/WinZip or StuffIt prior to emailing to our art department.

Delivery Methods for Digital Files:

Delivery Methods for Film:

  • Mail/Courier to our office

Do you require any assistance?